Conquip Concrete Coneflow Skip Series User Manual Download Page 5


User Guide  - Concrete Coneflow Skip

Usage & Transportation


Never unevenly load this equipment.


The weight of the equipment, together with its attachments, must be added to the weight of the load 

when calculating the total load that will be imposed on the lifting apparatus / operating machine.


This equipment must be used in conjunction with the load ratings of the lifting apparatus / operating 

machine. (Refer to the manufacturers’ load ratings and original working instructions).


Make sure you know how to use this equipment and understand all aspects of its operation in case of 



This equipment weighs more than 25kg. Do not lift or manhandle without machine assistance.


Do not operate this equipment near overhead power lines.


Take care in confined spaces, near ceilings or similar hazards. This equipment was designed for vertical 

lifting. Do not drag, or swing.


Before operating this equipment, check that you have enough space for you to work safely and make 

sure that the working area is clear of hazards, obstructions and personnel.


Before lowering equipment make sure that the landing zone is clear and capable of accepting the size 

and weight of the load.


Crush Risk. Keep hands and feet clear of the equipment at all times to avoid injury.


Do not exceed the maximum Working Load Limit (WLL) shown on the serial plate. Ensure that the WLL 

on the individual lift points is not exceeded.


Before lifting, check that the load is secured, balanced and stable. Allow space for the equipment to 

move if the load shifts.



All personnel must wear relevant personal protective equipment.


Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery and tie back long hair to avoid becoming tangled or trapped in 

this equipment. You must make everyone in the work area aware of what you are doing.


All personnel involved in the lifting operation must be competent to do so and must have been briefed 

in conjunction with this User Guide available from Conquip Engineering Group, the manufacturer.

Equipment Maintenance & Cleaning


It is mandatory that the equipment is thoroughly examined regularly, by a qualified engineer, to ensure 

compliance with relevant regulation/s. (Conquip recommend to carry out thorough examination every 

six months).


This product may incorporate various loose and detachable items of lifting gear. Refer to the separate 

requirements for the safe use of those items.


When not being used, store the unit in a clean, upright condition and in a safe place where it will be 

protected from thieves and unauthorised users.


This equipment must be inspected by the responsible person before each use and then regularly, as 

determined by your risk assessment or working practice. If you have any concerns about condition or 

suitability do not use.



The products supplied by Conquip Engineering Group are all guaranteed by a 12 month warranty.
Apart from where exceptions apply, Conquip Engineering Group promises to repair or replace any fault which 

the Company considers to be due to defective material or workmanship within 12 months of the date of sale, 

at no additional cost.


Faults arising from unauthorised alterations (see modifications section below for full details).


Damage caused by abuse, neglect, misuse or falling.


Damage caused because of failure to follow transportation, storage, loading, cleaning or 

operating instructions.


Replacement or repair of components due to fair wear and tear.


Any consequential damage or wear arising from the use or fitting of additional or non-standard 



If any third-party modifications or alterations, involving drilling, welding, cutting or distortion of materials in 

any form, are to be carried out on the product, Conquip Engineering Group must provide full written approval 

prior to the work being carried out.
Alterations, modifications, additions or repairs must be carried out by Conquip Engineering Group’s 

recognised distributors, if they are not carrying out the work themselves.
Conquip Engineering Group operate a continuous improvement policy and therefore reserve the right to alter 

technical specifications and user guide details at any point without notice. 
Conquip Engineering Group will not cover or reimburse any transportation and/or shipment costs to and 

from their premises or their recognised agents, or any material and/or labour costs for repair, replacement or 

assessment against a warranty claim.
Conquip Engineering Group and/or their directors, employees, insurers or recognised agents will not be held 

liable for consequential damages, losses or expenses relating to the inability to use the product correctly for 

its purpose.
