6.2 Check location
1. Via SMS
1.1 SMS
to the SIM number of device. The device will send a location
message automatically. You can get the coordinates. If the device does not search
any information of location, it will send “No data” to the cell phone.
Current position!
Time:2013-10-08 17:35:32
1.2 SMS
to the SIM number of device. The device will send a location
Google Map link. If the device does not search any information of location, it will
send “No data” to the cell phone.
<10-08 17:36>http://maps.google.com/maps?q=N22.577156,E113.916748
2. Via platform
Go to the platform website offered by dealers to check your vehicle location.
6.3 Wire cut-off alarm
When the electricity supply of device is cut off, it will activate cut-off alarm. In this
case, the device will send related SMS to the specific numbers and dial the numbers
in circles. If nobody answers, the call just keeps 3 loops at most. At the meantime,
the device will upload SOS alarm data to the server. And it will send: