Audible Alarm Silence
Protocol Station Output
Relay Contact Output
Audible Alarm
Power Jack
Red “Alarm” Indicators
Green “Normal” Indicators
Figure 1
The front panel of the Alarm consists of two (2) status indicator lights, an “Alarm Silence” button, and an
audible Alarm. See Figure 1. In addition to the front panel, the left side of the Remote Alarm has a power jack
connector where the power supply cable is connected. At the bottom of the Alarm are two (2) connectors where
the Protocol Station and Output Devices are connected.
The Protocol Station Remote Alarm controls one (1) set of relay contacts that are brought to the Output Connector
so they may be used to control an external device.
When a system is operating normally the status indicator light will be green. If the pressure should drop below
the preset value of the Protocol Station, the audible alarm will sound and the light will turn from green to red.
When this happens, the output relay
will activate. It is sometimes desirable to silence the audible alarm prior to
the alarm condition being fixed. Pressing the “Silence” button will accomplish this. The status indicator lights
and the relays will remain activated until the alarm condition is corrected.
Correcting the low pressure condition will return the status lights back to green and de-activate the relay.