Licensing Information
This Conceptronic product CFULLHDMAi includes copyrighted third-party software licensed under the terms of the GNU
General Public License.
Please see The GNU General Public License for the exact terms and conditions of this license.
Specially, the following parts of this product are subject to the GNU GPL:
[Player side]
Linux kernel 2.6.15 (GPL)
busybox-1.50 (GPL)
udhcp-0.9.8 (021031) (GPL)
Tiff-3.8.2 (GPL)
Microwindow: 0.89 pre9 (MPL)
Gcc- 4.0.4 (GPL)
Bintool-2.17 (GPL)
uClibc 0.9.28 (GPL)
Intel UPnP A/V (BSD)
Samba 3.0.26a (GPL)
rTorrent 0.8.2 (GPL)
[Server Site]
Jpeg2000 (GPL)
ffmpeg version date 20050624(GPL)
faac Freeware Advanced Audio codec v1.18 beta (LGPL)
faad2 Freeware Advanced Audio (AAC) Decoder includeing SBR decoding (GPL)
Lame LAME ain’t an MP3 Encoder 3.97 (LGPL)
Libogg 1.1.2(GPL)
Libtheora 1.0 alpha 5(GPL)
Liboovorbis-1.1.1 (GPL)
Xvidcore 1.1.0 beta 2 (GPL)
Lighthttpd 1.4.11(revised BSD )
Intel UPnP A/V (BSD)
All listed software packages are copyright by their respective authors. Please see the source code for detailed information.
Availability of source code
Conceptronic. has eposed the full source code of the GPL licensed software, including any scripts to control compilation and
installation of the object code. All future firmware updates will also be accompanied with their respective source code. For
more information on how you can obtain our open source code, please visit our web site.