Model ltK-500c Instruction Booklet
For your safety and continued enjoyment of this products, always read the
instruction book carefully before using.
Portable Light Theraphy &
Sound Therapy System
solar glow
solar glow
solar glow
solar glow
solar glow
solar glow
onE yEar lIMItED Warranty
Conair will repair or replace (at our option) your unit free of charge for 12
months from the date of purchase if the appliance is defective in workman-
ship or materials.
To obtain service under this warranty, return the defective product to the ser-
vice centre listed below, together with your purchase and $7.50 for postage
and handling. In the absence of a purchase receipt, the warranty period will
be 12 months from the date of manufacture.
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otHEr Warranty, EXPrEss or IMPlIED, WHatsoEVEr.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from province to province.
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biological clock, bringing the clock into sync with local time.
Other people fall asleep far too early and wake well before sunrise. Light thera-
py at the start of their subjective night, in the evening, can “reset” the biological
clock, normalizing - or at least improving - the sleep pattern. This technique
may be especially valuable for older people, who are prone to advanced sleep
phase syndrome or ASPS. It has been suggested that sitting all evening in a
dimly illuminated living room predisposes people to ASPS. Turning up normal
room lights can alleviate the problem in some cases.
DSPS and ASPS are extremes of insomnia. Many people experience these
conditions with less intensity, for example, going to bed at 11:00pm but finding
themselves unable to fall asleep before 1:00am. When this occurs, they find it
difficult to be alert during their normal work days. In just a day or two, bright
light therapy at the breakfast table can remedy the situation.
shift Work fatigue
Shift workers often experience a change in their sleep/wake cycles. Evening or
night shifts can require a delay in our sleeping time of as much as 3 to 12 hours.
When the sleep/wake and body temperature cycles are no longer in phase or
“in sync” with each other, workers experience a condition known as internal
de-synchronization. An employee placed on the night shift must ignore the
light-dark patterns in the external environment and try to sleep at a time when
the body clock is telling him or her to be most alert and active. While some em-
ployees are greatly disturbed by these internal disruptions, others experience
only mild symptoms. Yet, like a machine which eventually breaks down when
its operating specifications are continually ignored, the human body will also
eventually be impaired by unnatural conditions. If employees’ internal clocks
are repeatedly desynchronized, some negative effects on health, safety, and/or
performance generally can occur.
Jet lag
Rapidly traveling across several time zones creates disharmony between one’s
internal body clock. Melatonin supplements have gained popularity among fre-
quent flyers as a way to overcome jet lag by tricking their bodies into thinking
that it’s nighttime, resetting their circadian rhythm. Unfortunately, this not only
causes problems with sleep/wake cycles but influences mood and energy as
well. The body clock is designed for a regular rhythm of daylight and darkness.
It is thrown out of “sync” when daylight and darkness occur at the “wrong”
times in a new time zone. Clinical research conducted at NASA demonstrates
that the body clock can be reset to a new time zone in only 2 days with properly
timed exposure to sufficiently bright light in specific wavelengths.