uSer maIntenance
Caring for The Complete Facial Spa™
After Completing Your Facial:
• Always turn off and unplug The Complete
Facial Spa™ from the electrical outlet before
• Let cool then empty excess water, and wipe
dry interior of the facial mask and rim around
the opening.
• Wipe the base with a clean, damp cloth,
then polish lightly with a dry one. NeVeR
• Store The Complete Facial Spa™ in a dry,
convenient location so it will be handy for
your next facial.
• Do not attempt to repair the appliance your-
self. Return to the place of purchase with
sales receipt.
Never allow the power supply cord to
be pulled, twisted or severely bent. Never
wrap the cord tightly around the unit. Damage
will occur at the high flex point of entry into
the unit, causing it to rupture and short circuit.
Inspect the cord frequently for damage. Stop
use immediately if damage is visible or unit
stops or operates intermittently.
The Complete Facial Spa™ is for household
use only.
If you tHInK tHe
poWer IS off WHen
tHe SWItcH IS off
you’re WronG.
Keep aWay from Water
everyone knows that electricity and water
are a dangerous combination. But did you
know that an electrical appliance is still
electrically alive even if the switch is off? If
the plug is in, the power is on. So when you
are not using your appliances, keep them
aLWayS unpLuG SmaLL
Public Service Ad from Association of Home Appliance
Manufacturers and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
one year LImIteD Warranty
Conair will repair or replace (at our option) your
unit free of charge for 12 months from the date of
purchase if the appliance is defective in workman-
ship or materials.
To obtain service under this warranty,
return the defective product to the service centre
listed below, together with your purchase receipt and
$5.50 for postage and handling. In the absence of a
purchase receipt, the warranty period shall be 12
months from the date of manufacture.
any ImpLIeD WarrantIeS, oBLIGatIonS,
or LIaBILItIeS, IncLuDInG But not LIm-
IteD to tHe ImpLIeD Warranty of mer-
cHantaBILIty anD fItneSS for a par-
tIcuLar purpoSe, SHaLL Be LImIteD In
DuratIon to tHe 12 montH DuratIon of tHIS
WrItten, LImIteD Warranty.
In no eVent SHaLL conaIr Be LIaBLe for
any SpecIaL, IncIDentaL, or conSeQuentIaL
DamaGeS for BreacH of tHIS or any otHer
Warranty, eXpreSS or ImpLIeD, WHatSo-
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and
you may also have other rights, which vary from
province to province.
SerVIce centre:
Conair Consumer Products Inc.
100 Conair Parkway
Woodbridge, ON L4H 0L2
©2009 conair consumer products Inc.
HaVe a QueStIon?
Please do not return this product to the retailer.
caLL uS fIrSt!
Our customers service and product experts
are ready to answer
your questions.
Please call our
customer service
number at :
Or visit us online at
For your safety and continued enjoyment of
this product, always read the instruction
book carefully before using.
Model FS4RC
Instruction Booklet
The CompleTe
tHe compLete facIaL care SyStem
• Gentle rotating tool thoroughly cleanses,
exfoliates and massages skin, bringing it to a
peak of perfection!
How to completely care for Skin
1. Moisten skin with water and your favourite
2. Attach the cleansing brush to the Facial Care
System tool and press the ‘on’ button.
3. Gently, slowly move the rotating brush around
your face, paying particular attention to the cen-
tre area, forehead, nose and chin. Repeat if your
skin is oily and your pores tend to clog.
4. Rinse skin thoroughly.
5. Attach massaging sponge to tool and go over
face again. The soft sponge will revive and stim-
ulate facial muscles and bring a healthy glow to
your skin!
6. Moisturize if your skin is dry or chapped.