R1700-FM is a One Way FM 4 B utton Remote.
Safety Information
Please take these safety precautions i nto consideration under the following conditions :
Under normal circum stances, Reservation Mode is cancelled
when a door or hatchback opens. Pl ease verify that the opening
of any door or hatchback cancel s Reservati on Mode. I f any of the doors or hatchback
are not monitored by C ompuStar because of im proper install ation or a faulty dome light
swi tch, do not use the Com puStar and take your vehicle i mmediately to the dealer f or
repai r. Do not set Reservation Mode if the w indow(s) are open or if ther e is
anyone inside the vehicle, this incl udes animals. Remote start i nstallation i n a manual
transmission vehi cle with a convertible top is not recommended.
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I m p o r t a n t !
1. Servicing the vehicle
When servi cing your automobile (i.e. changing the oil, washing your car), the
C ompuStar system should be in Valet Mode. There is a safety shutdown switch under
the hood that deactivates the rem ote starter function i f the hood is open.
However, if the switch has been damaged or the switch has been installed impr operly,
the vehicle m ay start w hen the button is pressed for 2 seconds, even if the hood is
2. Loaning your vehicle to others
Whenever you loan your vehicle to an individual who i s not familiar with Com pustar,
you may want to put the vehicle in V al et mode. This wi ll prevent the borrower fr om acci-
dentally activati ng the CompuStar auto-security system .
3. For manual transmission vehicles
If the Compustar R1700-FM is installed in a manual transmission vehicle, extra
precautions are required because the Compustar does not monitor the gear shift :
Remote : R1700-FM
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Remote Button Functions
1 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
0.5 sec
Horn - on/off
0.5 sec
Valet Mode - on/off
0.5 sec
Passive Locking - on/off
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
Timer Start Mode - on/off
Turbo Mode - on/off
2 sec
Programming Menu 1- Installer Only
2 sec
Programming Menu 2- Installer Only
Note : " "
Means, to press the button for 2 seconds.
Means, to simultaneously pressing the buttons.
( )
Means, to simultaneously press the buttons for 2 seconds .
Lock . If held for 3.5 seconds, it will panic the system.
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
2 sec
Auto -start Function - on/off
Auxiliary Option 2
Auxiliary Option 1
2 sec
Trunk Release
3.5 sec
Panic, Press to shut off.
Remote Learn Routine
The Compustar system will allow up to three remotes to be programmed to one
vehicle. Please perform the following procedure to add or reprogram additional