Using ComproDVD
formats (.m3u and .pls).
1. Start ComproDVD and open the Windows Explorer (or any
2. Now, for any drag ‘n’ drop assignment, it is best to resize your
Windows Explorer window so that the ComproDVD icon is
3. Find your file, click it, drag it over to the ComproDVD user
interface, and then drop it.
4. ComproDVD will begin playback.
Creating Playlists
1. First click on the
Select MODE
button on the user interface and
Open Media Files
2. Click
for the Playlist dialog box. Begin selecting your
file(s) by exploring your hard disk drive (left side) and selecting
folders that have video and audio content.
3. Select files in the upper right hand window, labeled “Path:,” and
to add to your playlist. To remove, select the file from
your lower right hand, labeled “Playlist,” and click
If playing more than one file, be sure to consider the order in
which you add to the playlist, for this order will be final unless you
use the shuffle or repeat functions.
Click on the
File Types
tab (default is Browser) for the left
hand window and select the desired files to be displayed
so as to speed up your search.
Clear All
to reset your file types or
Select All
select all possible file types. You may also enlarge your
window by pointing to the right corner and resizing the
dialog box accordingly by clicking and dragging.
Load List...
if you have playlists in .PLS or .M3U
format. This function will replace all previously loaded files.