Composite-ARF Spitfire
Control surface/servo installation cont.
A piece of 1/8”(3mm) plastic tube
can be used as a cable guide. Glue
the tube to the fuse and run the
cable. Use two tension adjusters to
attach the cables to the servo control
arm. Note we are using the inside
holes for the cables. The two
springs in the photo are used to
control our tail wheel assembly.
Wing assembly (Landing Gear)
We’ll start with the installation of the
landing gear. Please note our proto
type did not have the wheel wells
pre-installed at the time this manual
was written. Assemble of the strut
requires only installation of the
wheel. Temporarily install the axle
into the wheel and onto the strut. It
may be necessary to install some
spacers for proper wheel clearance.
Once satisfied mark the axle, remove
and cut to length. Grind a flat spot
on the axle for the set screw and re-
install. The strut can now be
installed into the retract mechanism.
Wheel alignment can be done with
the wings Installed on the fuse.
The mounts are pre-installed and
only require drilling the holes for the
retract unit. It may also be
necessary to remove a small amount
of material from the former to allow
clearance for the strut. Note the
small cutout in the LG mount right
behind the retract to allow the air line
to pass. The mechanism is mounted
as far outboard as it will go in the
hole. When satisfied with the fit,
mount the retract unit with 8, 6-32 wood or sheet metal screws.