Remove the retaining ring from the liquids bottle - we recommend using the flat screwdriver to
facilitate this.
Remove the old silicone valve from the bottle and dispose of it in the rubbish.
Place the new valve over the lip of the retaining ring.
Replace the retaining ring on the bottle and place the bottle back inside CUDDY™.
Wash your hands and enjoy your victory beverage.
Just Starting Out
Be patient. It can take some time for the magic to happen.
Too Dry
If the contents of your solids bin are too dry this can cause it to smell. Add some water and mix well.
Excess Moisture
If the solids bin is excessively moist so that the contents become clay-like add some extra cover material
and mix well using the agitator.
If you have a buildup of condensation on the inside of the unit, this is nothing to worry about. We suggest
adding a small amount of kitchen roll or absorbent material on either side of the solids bin (not under it)
to absorb excess moisture.
Fruit Flies
If you find that you are attracting small flies in your CUDDY composting toilet the first step is to try to
determine how they are getting inside.
If you are venting externally, the most likely entry point is the external vent hose not having a suitable
To kill any flies, we suggest adding 3 cups of food-grade Diatomaceous Earth to the solids bin and mixing
thoroughly with the agitator. Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring mineral commonly used in the
food industry to prevent insects.
Fan Not Working
Check if power is being supplied. Turn it off and on again… only kidding!
Check the positive and negative wires are correctly connected. The fan will not work if the polarity is
July 05, 2022