16 | Installation instructions Compleo ePOLE duo
On both sides, place the
cover plates of the ePOLE
duo onto the aluminium
head below the eBOXes.
(Only for eBox with design complying
with calibration regulations):
Please attach the user seal as shown below:
Attach to both eBOX and eCLICK.
Now release the bracket
and let it lift automatically.
Please hold the eBOX in
place with one hand.
Please continue to hold
the eBOX in place with
one hand. Check the final
position of the locking
bracket, it must be fully
raised. The enlarged detail
view demonstrates the
desired final position. The
pin on the locking bracket
must be exactly level with
the triangle on the eBOX.
If the bracket has not
reached the desired final
position, please push it
further upwards to the
desired final position.