Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions
WAN Link Configuration
Required for Dedicated Line Operation
Frame Relay is presently supported in the Octal V.35-10/100 RIOP only via synchronous dedi-
cated line operation.
Set Dedicated connection
Set Frame Relay connection
CV: Use the Link Configuration: WAN Dialog Box.
TB: Use configure and then set the Mode and ConnectMode keywords in the Link Config
WAN 0 (and/or any other port you wish to configure) section.
Suggested for Dedicated Line Operation
Dedicated line operation generally does not require additional parameters for operation.
Frame Relay DLCI Mappings
If you are connecting to another Compatible Systems router, this information is not required
for Frame Relay operation. Compatible Systems uses IARP (Inverse Address Resolution
Protocol) to dynamically generate this information. To connect to other vendors’ routers
which do not support IARP, you must provide DLCI-to-protocol mapping information.
Many Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) do not support IARP as a default. If your
WAN interface will be connected to an ISP via Frame Relay, check with your ISP technical
staff on whether or not you must manually enter DLCI information.
CV: Use the DLCI Mapping Database (under WAN/Link Configuration/DLCI button).
TB: Use configure and set the DLCI keyword in the Frame Relay WAN 0 (and/or any other
port you wish to configure) section.
IP Protocol
There are two ways to set up Frame Relay. One is to set the WAN interface as a “numbered
interface.” This means that the interface (and thus the Frame Relay network) will have an IP
address, subnet mask, etc. The other is to set it as an unnumbered interface and specify that the
link is point-to-point Frame Relay and set the local DLCI. Unnumbered Frame Relay can only
be configured using text-based configuration. Instructions are provided for both options.
Required for IP Numbered Interface
IP numbered interface
IP address
IP subnet mask
IP broadcast address
CV: Use the TCP/IP Routing: WAN Dialog Box.
TB: Use the configure command and the Numbered, IPAddress, SubnetMask, and
IPBroadcast keywords in the IP WAN 0 (and/or any other port you wish to configure)
Required for IP Unnumbered Interface
IP unnumbered interface
Point-to-Point Frame Relay
Local DLCI
TB: Use the configure command and the Numbered, PointToPointFrame, and Inter-
faceDLCI keywords in the IP WAN 0 (and/or any other port you wish to configure) section.