Repair and Replacement
If you are using any other type of GBIC module, squeeze the side prongs and carefully
pull out the GBIC module. Figure 4–2 shows a squeeze-prong GBIC module.
Figure 4–2: Squeeze-prong GBIC module
Installing a GBIC Module
To install a GBIC module:
1. Position the GBIC so that the key (the ridge on one side) on the GBIC is aligned with
the slot in the user port.
2. Insert each GBIC module into the port until it is firmly seated and the latching
mechanism locks.
The GBIC module is keyed and can only be inserted one way
Do not force
the GBIC module into a port if you feel resistance. This can damage the module. Try
inverting it. The GBIC D-connector must line up with the D-connector inside the GBIC
If you are using a GBIC module with a locking bar, lock the module into place with the
locking bar. For other GBIC modules, the latch prongs automatically lock to prevent accidental
removal of the GBIC module.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each GBIC module to be installed.
4. Connect fiber-optic cables to the GBICs as appropriate to the fabric topology.