Configuring the SAN Integrated Switch
Status Indicators
Each port contains an indicator that shows the status for that port (see Table 3–4).
Each switch element AC module contains an indicator that shows its status. Table 3–5
shows descriptions of the AC module status indicators.
Table 3–4: Port Status Indicators
No light showing
No light or signal carrier (no module, no cable) for media
interface LEDs.
Steady yellow
Receiving light or signal carrier, but not online yet.
Slow yellow (1-second intervals)
Disabled (result of diagnostics or port disable command).
Flashes every two seconds.
Fast yellow (1/4-second intervals)
Error or fault with port. Flashes every half-second.
Steady green
Online (connected with device over cable).
Slow green (1-second intervals)
Online, but segmented (loopback cable or incompatible
switch). Flashes every two seconds.
Fast green (1/4-second intervals)
Internal loopback (diagnostic). Flashes every half-second.
Flickering green
Online and frames flowing through port.
Interleaving green and yellow
Port is bypassed.
Table 3–5: AC Module Status Indicators
No light showing
No power is being supplied to the switch element. Check
that the power cord is connected to the switch element.
Steady green
Receiving power. Switch element is online.