Getting Started with DECTPU
2.6 Using OpenVMS EDIT/TPU Command Qualifiers
The /NODISPLAY qualifier causes DECTPU to run without using the screen
display and the keyboard functions of a terminal. Use /NODISPLAY in the
following cases:
When running DECTPU procedures in a batch job
When using DECTPU on an unsupported terminal
When you use /NODISPLAY, all operations continue as usual, except that no
output occurs. (The only exception is that information usually put into the
message buffer will appear on SYS$OUTPUT if no message buffer is available.)
The following command causes DECTPU to edit the file MY_BATCH_FILE.RNO
without using terminal functions such as screen display:
$ EDIT/TPU/NODISPLAY my_batch_file.rno
/INITIALIZATION[[=filespec]] (default)
The /INITIALIZATION qualifier determines whether the DECTPU-based
application being run executes a file of initialization commands. The application
layered on DECTPU is responsible for processing this qualifier.
To determine whether you specified /INITIALIZATION on the DCL command
line, use the following call in the application:
x := GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "initialization");
The preceding call returns 1 if /INITIALIZATION was specified, 0 otherwise. To
fetch the name of the initialization file specified on the command line, use the
following call:
x := GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "initialization_file");
For more information on GET_INFO, see the DEC Text Processing Utility
Reference Manual.
If you do not specify any form of /INITIALIZATION on the DCL command
line, DECTPU specifies /INITIALIZATION but does not supply a default file
specification. The default file specification for /INITIALIZATION is set by the
application. Compaq recommends that a user-written application define the
default file specification of an initialization file by using the following format:
For example, the default initialization file for the EVE editor is EVE$INIT.EVE.
In EVE, if you do not specify a device or directory, EVE first checks the current
directory. If the specified (or default) initialization file is not there, EVE checks
SYS$LOGIN. If EVE finds the specified (or default) initialization file, EVE
executes the commands in the file.
For more information on using initialization files with EVE, see Chapter 5 and
the Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual.
Getting Started with DECTPU 2–13