: G232/8-PCI-335
class. Verify that the Device Status box on the Gen
eral class lists “The device is working properly.”
3. The Fastcom ports did not install correctly. Open the Device Manager (Start -> Run -> devmgmt.msc ->
OK). Expand the “Ports (COM & LPT)” class and double click on the Fastcom ports listed in that class.
Verify that the Device Status box on the General tab lists “The device is working properly.”
4. The loop back plug is not connected to the correct port/cable.
The Serial Settings property page can be found by opening the Device Manager (Start -> Run -> devmgmt.msc ->
OK), expanding the “Ports (COM & LPT)” class and double clicking on one of the installed “Fastcom Async335
Communications Port” devices, and then clicking on the “Fastcom AsyncPCI-335 Serial Settings” tab.
Each port on the Fastcom board has all of the settings available to it. However there is one option that will affect
all other ports on that particular Fastcom board: Clock Generator Frequency, all other settings are will affect only
the selected port.
Clicking on each individual setting will bring up a description of the setting in box at the top of the page. This is a
slightly more detailed version of those same descriptions.
Clock Generator Frequency
The clock generator frequency divided by the sampling rate will directly determine the maximum available
bit rate that you may use with the Fastcom board. It works like this: Windows must be able to divide the
clock frequency by the sampling rate and then by any whole number and get to your bit rate as the
answer. By default, the clock is set to 14.7456 MHz (14745600 Hz). This frequency can be divided by
whole numbers to get all of the standard bit rates (i.e. 9600, 19200, 115200, etc). Minimum = 6 MHz,
Maximum = 50 MHz.
For Example:
Frequency / Sampling rate (8 or 16) / n = bit rate
14,745,600 / 16 / 96 = 9600
This setting is global. Changing the clock generator frequency will affect all Fastcom ports on the board.
Setting the clock for one port will set it for all port of the same board.
Sampling Rate
Determines the number of times a data bit is sampled. It can be set to either 8 or 16 on a per port basis.
It is used in conjunction with clock generator frequency to determine attainable bit rates. As a general
rule, if your bit rate will be less than or equal to 3.125 Mbits/sec you should use 16 times sampling. 8
times sampling should only be used if you wish to run at bit rates over 3.125 Mbits/sec.
Digital Input 1 & 2
This board has two general-purpose digital inputs that are only accessible on the HDDB78 connector.
DIN1 is HDDB78 pin 31 and DIN2 is HDDB78 pin 16. These are not RS232 signals; they are TTL level
digital inputs. The Digital Input 1 and Digital Input 2 checkboxes display the current status of the two
input pins. A checked box indicates a logic high input and no check indicates a logic low input. Clicking
the Check/Set Digital I/Os button or the Set Now button or the OK button will update the status of these
Digital Output 1 & 2
This board has two general-purpose digital output pins that are only accessible on the HDDB78
connector. DOUT1 is HDDB78 pin 15 and DOUT2 is HDDB78 in 30. These are not RS232 signals; they
are TTL level digital outputs. The Digital Output 1 and Digital Output 2 checkboxes are used to set the