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6.0 Installation Procedures
6.1 One Cable in Duct
Clean 4” of duct and the cable sheath with a wet cloth.
(Figure 3)
For ease of installation, lubricate at least 6” of cable sheath with
supplied lubricant or company approved lubricant.
(Figure 4)
Remove the protective paper from the sealing strip on the
outside surface of the TDUX duct seal and lubricate the strip
abundantly. If the ducts are made of concrete or polyethylene,
lubricate the outside surface of the TDUX seal as well.
(Figure 5)
Remove the protective paper from the sealing strip on the inside
surface of the TDUX duct seal and lubricate the strip abundantly.
(Figure 6)
Lubricate the filling tube on the TDUX duct seal.
(Figure 7)
Wrap the TDUX duct seal around the cable and slide
completely into the duct. Be sure that filling tube faces out of the
duct and center cable in duct prior to inflation, if
(Figure 8)
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8