LP-176 User’s Manual
Appendix C <
Programmable Watch Dog Timer
Timeout value range
1 to 255 Minute and Second
Program sample
Watchdog timer setup as system reset with 5 second of timeout
-o 4E 87
;enter configuration
-o 4E 87
-o 4E 07
-o 4F 08
;select Logical Device
-o 4E 30
-o 4F 01
; activate WDTO# function
-o 4E F0
-o 4F 00
;set “00” is second mode, set “08” is minute mode
-o 4E F1
-o 4F 05
;00h: Timeout Disable
;01h: Timeout occurs after 1 minute only
;02h: Timeout occurs after 2 second/minute
;03h: Timeout occurs after 3 second/minute
;FFh: Timeout occurs after 255 second/minute
(The deviation is approx 1 second.)
For further information, please refer to Nuvoton NCT6102D datasheet