* Fix the Skin theme by FLIP Clock type.
2: RED Clock
* Fix the Skin theme by RED Clock type.
3: GREEN Clock
* Fix the Skin theme by GREEN Clock type.
4: BLACK Clock
* Fix the Skin theme by BLACK Clock type.
2: set Time+
0: Door Open Time
* 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 SEC. Selection
1: Sleep MODE Time
* 30 SEC., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Min. Selection
2: Key Time OUT
* 10, 20, 30 SEC. Selection.
3:use 24-HOUR format
* Select the type of Time (24Houres)
3: ADC Sensor
0: Distance (Change the Range of Distance Measurement of ADC Sensor)
* In Case of exposed to Direct Sunlight, Distance will Shorten.
0:[ ] 100CM
1:[ ] 90CM
2:[*] 80CM
3:[ ] 70CM
4:[ ] 60CM
5:[ ] 50CM
6:[ ] 40CM
7:[ ] 30CM
8:[ ] Unused
1: Detection Hold Time
0:[ ] 200MS
1:[*] 300MS