Use instruc
ons – Electromagne
c safety limit switch
010 ISTR 03 SC 1221-02
The CE declara
on of this product is available in the download sec
on of website or by wri
ng to the following email address: [email protected]
DDC 12 – Electromagne
c switches with separate actuator series FEP
Auxiliary release
The device can be equipped with two types of release auxiliary.
Auxiliary release via safety screw.
The arrow on the cover indicates the status of the device.
The release is ac�vated by unscrewing the safety screw and turning 180 °.
In order to avoid misuse of the func�on of release, the device is supplied
with the safety screw sealed with paint.
Auxiliary release with lock.
The release is ac�vated by inser�ng the key into the lock, then turning it
180 °.
The device is supplied complete key and dust seal.
Actuator install
a�on precau�ons
Always use the cap
for the unused slot
Drawing 2D
Contact numbering