Building The Macros
Impact Call uses keyboard macros to execute call event actions. A macro is a list of instructions that execute
certain functions when the assigned call event occurs. Impact Call includes macros that it follows when executing
standard applications; however, you can build custom macros by recording the keystrokes it takes to perform an
NOTE: When recording a macro, you must use the keyboard to perform the actions you want to record. You
should know how to use the keyboard to start an application, locate a database, and search that
To build a macro,
1. From the Actions drop-down, select
Create/Edit Actions. The Create/Edit
Actions dialog appears.
2. Click the New button to open the Macro
Definition menu.
3. In the Macro Definitions menu:
(a) Enter the name for the new macro.
(b) Specify if you do not want your new
application to run when you are
already on a call.
(c) (optional) Browse for an existing
application, click on it, and add any
needed program arguments.
(d) Click OK to open the Get Which Window menu.
4. In the Get Which Window menu, select the
window you wish to be in when you start
recording the macro. (For example, if your
macro involves opening a particular database
program when a certain call event occurs, you
need to specify that window here.)
If the call event for which you are composing a
macro involves dialing an outbound call, click
the Dial using current window selection.
If the window you need is not listed,
(a) Start the application you need.
(b) Minimize it.
(c) Click the Refresh button to update the list of available windows.
(d) Click on the window you need.
2 – 12 Using Impact Call
Impact Call User’s Guide