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19121 El T oro R d ● S il vera d o, Ca lifo rnia 926 76 ● (94 9) 459 - 9600 ● com - p
Please refer Safety instructions for more information on importance of
grounding. The grounding instructions are to be followed at all times.
5.3.3 EUT power port
The LI-220C has a universal multi-configuration receptacle to power the
equipment under test.
5.3.4 EMI measurement Port
The LI-220C provides a
50 Ω
N-Type (female) connector to connecting the
Spectrum analyzer or EMI receiver for making conducted noise
measurements. The shielding connection of the N connector shield is
connected to the housing of the LISN and thus to ground.
Note: CISPR recommends the use of 10 dB attenuator at the output of the
LISN measurement port. Also, as the input circuitry of EMI receivers and
spectrum analyzers are extremely sensitive; it is highly recommended to use
transient limiter in line with the cable connecting the measurement port to
the measuring equipment in order to protect the input circuits from
damage by high voltage transients. Com-Power transient limiters also
incorporate both a low pass and high pass filter to attenuate out of band
signals, as well as a 10 dB attenuation pad. Both, the 10 dB attenuator and
the transient limiter are available with Com-Power.
5.3.5 Test lead selection switch (Line / LI or Neutral / L2)
This switch allows selection of leads to facilitate measurement of
noise/emissions from each line. The line that is not being measured is
automatically terminated internally by a 50 Ω terminator. However, the
power to EUT is uninterrupted.