Automatic Scrubber
RA 35
B, K 10
1.5 Protective clothing
When working on and with the appliance the following must be worn:
Solid closed shoes with non-skid soles
Close-fitting working clothes (resistant to tearing, no wide sleeves, no rings or other jewellery, etc.)
In addition when working with the batteries the following must be worn:
Safety glasses
to protect the eyes against the caustic electrolyte in the battery
Protective gloves
to protect the hand against injuries and from contact with substances which could endanger health.
1.6 Dangers resulting from the equipment
The appliance has undergone a risk assessment. The design and layout of the equipment resulting from this corresponds to the
current state-of-the-art.
However, a certain risk always remains!
The appliance needs to be used responsibly and carefully. Improper use or use by unauthorized persons can endanger other
Do not leave the machine with the switches turned on
Do not leave the machine connected to the power supply
In the case of missed tension of feeding, the machine should be disconnected from electrical outlet and control switches
have to be turned off
WARNING! Risk of injury!
Improper use of the equipment can cause serious injuries through crushing, running over or contacting people with
the rotating brushes, pad holder or pads.
Thus the following rules should be observed:
The appliance may not be used on floors with an inclination of more than 2%.
Always approach people and other objects slowly and carefully.
When operating the appliance never put other people at risk.
When working, ensure that other people
– especially children – never come into contact with the appliance.
Unauthorized persons should have no access to the appliance.
WARNING! Danger of electric shock!
Electricity can cause serious injuries. If the insulation or an individual component is damaged there
may be a risk of a fatal electric shock. Therefore:
Before starting work always unplug the device!
Make sure the mains connection cable is not damaged by crushing, tearing, rubbing etc.
Do not run over the mains cable.
Always check the mains cable for damage before plugging in the appliance.
The technical data specified by the manufacturer must be adhered to when replacing connection
cables, plugs, couplings, fuses and sockets.
Improper use can cause considerable damage to the appliance, floor covering as well as other objects. When using
the appliance, never run over thresholds, steps, carpets or objects which could get caught up, such as cables.
The friction of the brush on the floor supports the forward motion of the appliance. When the suction unit is raised and at the same
time the brush unit is lowered and switched on, the appliance moves forward by itself.
WARNING! Risk of injury!
The uncontrolled forward motion of the appliance can caused serious injuries through crushing, running over or
falling over. Thus always observe the following rules:
Never leave go of the handle while the brushes or suction device are running.