Gear oil changes are recommended for every 1000 hours or six (6) months of use. Use recommended type of gear
oil for prevailing ambient temperature. Annual disassembly and inspection of all wear items in compliance with
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specification B30.5c 1987 and American Petroleum Institute (API)
recommended practice RP 2D section 3 is recommended.
The gear oil level should be checked every 500 operating hours or three (3) months, whichever occurs first. The oil
should be level with the bottom of this opening.
The gear oil should be changed after the first one hundred (100) hours of operation, then every 1,000 operating
hours or six (6) months, whichever occurs first. The gear oil must be changed to remove wear particles that
erode bearings, gears and seals. The gear oil should also be changed whenever the ambient temperature changes
significantly and an oil from a different temperature range would be more appropriate.
Approximate Oil Capacities
HL Series, -01 Drum
6 pints
HL Series, -02 Drum
6 pints
HL Series, -04 Drum
7 pints
HL Series, -05 Drum
7 pints
WN Series, -01 Drum
5 pints
WR Series, -01 Drum
15 pints
WR Series, -04 Drum
14 pints
Always ensure equipment is secure
and air is disconnected before
removing or performing maintenance
on the drive assembly.
When the recommended lubricant is not available, it is
permissible to use a lubricant having equivalent characteristics
but we do not recommend that lubricants of different brands be
mixed. Under no circumstances should synthetic lubricants
be mixed with one another or with one having a mineral base.
HL Series
Diagram 3
Diagram 3
Oil Level Sight Gauge
SAE -16 ORB Port
Oil Fill*
*SAE-8 ORB Port
Rotate drum as needed to fill/drain
Drain Port*