Weather Display
Columbia Weather Systems, Inc.
5. In the Configure screen select Date/Time. Using the up and down
arrow buttons, change the date and time to match your local
settings. Apply changes when done.
6. In the Configure/Units screen select the desired units. Apply
changes when done.
Main Screen
Updated Date and Time
Are displayed in the upper left side of the Main screen and all other data
This is the date and time of the last received data set.
Alarm Indicator
The green dot indicates that an alarm can be enabled for the weather
station. For more information see the Alarms section.
Displays the temperature reading from the main temperature probe
connected to the weather station. The value can be displayed in degrees
Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Please note that the air temperature reading is accurate only when the
temperature probe is located in the shade. This can be done by placing
the probe at the north facing side of a building or by using an aspirating
radiation shield.