ColorLite GmbH
ColorCube - Quick Start Guide
The ColorLite ColorCube is a trend-setting high precision laboratory spectralphotometer for
reflectance colour measurement. The ColorLite ColorCube has been developed for a variety of
surfaces and materials. It is characterized by the use of high-quality electronics and optical compo
nents. Included is the QS-software ColorDaTra to evaluate, analyse and create professional reports
in all common colour scales.
1) Getting started
Switch the ColorLite ColorCube on by long pressing the button on the front side of the ColorCube
(at least 2 seconds). After the coloured LED lighting has switched on, the ColorCube is ready for use
without any warm-up time. To get a connection between the ColorCube and the PC you must con
nect the USB cable with the connection socket.
Open the ColorDaTra software and connect the ColorCube by clicking
(Separate instruction manual for the ColorDaTra software is included in the delivery)
Quality control
PC software ColorDaTra