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Damages caused by the disregard of this user manual or unauthorized modification 
to products are not subject to warranty

Please make sure that there are no obvious transport damages.  Please immediately
contact the local dealers as the fixture is in fault operation or damage.

Always plug in the power plug last. The power plug must always be inserted with force.
Make sure the plug is tightly connected with outlet. 

If extension cords are used make sure that the core diameter is sufficient for required 
power consumption of the device.  All warnings concerning the power cords are also
valid for possible extension cords. 

Do not block any of ventilation openings. 

Do not open the fixture and try to repair the fixture personally. 


The device must only be used indoor.

If the unit has been exposed to drastic temperature, do not switch it on immediately. 


Every person involved with installation and maintenance of the this device has
to : 
-be qualified. 
-following the instructions of manual


This device has left our premises in absolutely perfect condition. In order to maintain
this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolutely necessary for the user 
to follow the safety instructions and warming note written in this manual. 



Keep th is dri ver away fo rm ra in and moistu re
Unplug mains lead befo re opening th e housing


Read the instru ctions care fully before you install start -up! 




Be careful with your operations.

                   You can suffer a dangerous electric shock when touch the wires inside 
                   the unit.

