Eaglet Manual Section One - page 5
The Collins Eaglet is a hand-held, flow-based spirometry device used to determine FVC, SVC and MVV
values. This portable instrument is a member of the Collins family of computerized testing devices, all of
which operate under the PLUSsql/2000 Windows
-based software platform.
Other Collins PLUS/2000 systems include modules for conducting flow and volume-based spirometry,
plethysmography, gas dilution lung volumes, diffusion and exercise testing.
Each of these systems, including the Eaglet, shares the Collins PLUS/2000 software manual, which
describes configurable aspects of the software, patient testing, report and database functions. Each system
also has its own hardware manual. You are currently reading the Eaglet Hardware Manual., which
describes the physical aspects of the Collins Eaglet, such as installation, component identification,
maintenance and troubleshooting. Refer to the PLUS/2000 Software manual for instructions on conducting
pneumotach-based FVC, MVV and SVC testing.
The computer, monitor and printer, along with the Eaglet unit, make up the Eaglet system. Typically the
Eaglet is configured with a Notebook computer, though it may be configured with a desktop system. Refer
Eaglet Specifications
, which is next in this section, for computer system requirements.
Figure 1-1. The Collins Eaglet