Operation 6-6
full throttle operation under load does not harm
the engine.
Each full throttle acceleration sequence should
be followed with a substantial rest period for the
engine by cruising at lower r/min so the engine
can rid itself of the temporary build up of heat.
If any abnormality is noticed during this period,
consult a dealer.
0-10 Hours:
Avoid continuous operation above half throttle.
Allow a cooling off period of five to ten minutes
after every hour of operation. Vary the speed
of the vehicle from time to time. Do not operate it
at one set throttle position.
10-25 Hours:
Avoid prolonged operation above 3/4 throttle.
Rev the vehicle freely but do not use full throttle
at any time.
After Break-In:
The vehicle can now be operated normally.
Brake System Break-in
Apply only moderate braking force for the first
50 stops. Aggressive or overly forceful braking
when the brake system is new could damage
brake pads and rotors.
CVT Break-in (Clutches/Belt)
A proper break-in of the clutches and drive belt
will ensure a longer life and better performance.
Break in the clutches and belt by operating at
slower speeds during the break-in period as
recommended. Pull only light loads. Avoid
aggressive acceleration and high speed
operation during the break-in period.