Plastic construction
CH-3700 Spiez
Phone +41 (0)33 655 61 61 Fax +41 (0)33 654 81 61
TD-000 675-E
Edition 10/2019, Subject to alteration
Copyright by COLASIT AG Spiez
Page 7
EU conformity of the COLASIT fan
The fan was designed, built and tested to Directive 2006/42/EC.
In addition to this EU Directive and EN standards which have the equivalent status of a Swiss standard,
Swiss safety and accident-prevention regulations have also been taken into account.
An EU Declaration of Conformity in terms of the guidelines 2006/42/EC on machines will be issued
along with the fan.
Restrictions when commissioning
We stipulate that putting into operation is prohibited as long as the fan, including
all parts belonging to it or equipment connected to it, has not been installed and
checked out and until the operating manual has been read completely before
We stipulate that the fan may only be put into operation when the safety inspector
has given his approval. He is obliged to record this approval in a protocol.
The disregard of these stipulations constitutes negligence.
General operation conditions
The permissible operating conditions are indicated on the manufacturer‘s plate.
The fan is not suitable for the transport of solids in the air flow. This operating
mode will lead to the destruction of the fan.
The ducts on the intake and delivery sides must always be open. A closed duct will lead to a rise in
temperature which could cause the destruction of the fan.
The minimum air speed through the fan is 3 meters per second.
If exhaust air with a temperature > 5°C flows through the fan, it can be used up to an ambient temperature of
The standard motors are designed for normal operating conditions (ambient temperature -20 to +40°C,
altitude below 1000 m above sea level, air pressure up to 1050 hPa). In case of any divergence from
these conditions, please contact COLASIT.
Compliance with these operating conditions is the responsibility of the operator.
Explosion protection
COLASIT plastic fans are suitable for the conveyance of gases in Zone 1 or 2 (Equipment Category 2 or 3)
depending on the model. COLASIT plastic fans are not suitable for the conveyance of gases in Zone 0
(Equipment Category 1).
The zone classification of the conveyed medium and the site of installation must be made known by the fan
operator so that COLASIT can take the necessary measures to prevent the risk of ignition.
The explosion-proof COLASIT fans are not suitable for the conveyance of
explosive dusts
No modifications may be made to ATEX-certified fans. All work on the fan may
only be carried out by ATEX-trained skilled personnel.
Otherwise the ATEX Certificate will lose its validity.