EN Reset factory defaults
This menu is used to reset the emitter back to the default factory settings:
The emitter is unlinked from the Wifi network, its Name is removed from the screen and
in the COINTRA ELECTRIC Application it is removed from the user account in which it
was registered,
• Comfort set point is 20 °C,
Economy set point is 16.5 °C,
The Program is set to the default one (page 86),
The 4 Energy Meters are reset to 0,
The Rates configuration returns to the default values (page 88),
• The day is set to Monday,
• The time is set to 00:00,
Brightness level at rest is set to 1,
Maximum brightness Time is set to 10 seconds,
Power Limitation is set to 100 %,
Open Windows and Adaptive start control are disabled,
• The language is set to Spanish,
The currency is set to €,
• The emitter returns automatically to Standby mode.
When the room temperature is below the temperature set point, the emitter will turn the element
on to raise the room temperature. To show the user that the emitter is heating there is an icon of a
thermometer being filled in the top right hand corner:
The room temperature is normally shown on the display; the set point temperature is only
displayed when the user attempts to change it; after the setting has been adjusted the display will
revert back to the room temperature.
The comfort and eco set point temperatures can be modified both from Comfort and Economy
modes, and also within Program mode if they are active at the time (the anti-frost set point can
never be modified).
The Manual mode is designed to allow a user to override the Program mode without having to
change the program itself. For example, if you arrive when the emitter is normally unheated, you
can heat the space to a comfortable temperature, and then ensure that the emitter returns to its
normal mode without changing the program.