: Currently all devices use the user name admin. If no password is required, an empty string can be used.
Your Serial device
Connect to your serial device by performing the following steps:
1. Create a connector to your device:
SerSystemConnector myConn = new SerSystemConnector(PortName, Baudrate);
are either known serial connection parameters or come from a SerSystemDiscoverer.
2. Create a new DataManSystem instance with the created connector:
DataManSystem mySystem = new DataManSystem(myConn);
3. Call the Connect() method of your DataManSystem instance:
4. (Optional) Verify if you are connected:
if (mySystem.IsConnected)
5. To disconnect, call
Sending DMCC Commands to DataMan Devices
Use SendCommand () for sending different commands to the reader. For information about available commands, refer to
DMCC Command Reference
There is one mandatory parameter for SendCommand () which is the command string itself. There are also two optional
parameters: one for overriding the default timeout for the command and another for passing additional bytes with the
The following is an example for sending a DMCC command.
DmccResponse response = mySystem.SendCommand("GET DEVICE.TYPE");
: The response’s content resides in the response object’s PayLoad property. Also note that no DMCC header
or footer is specified in the command string.
Some functions like SendCommand() or GetLiveImage() also have asynchronous implementations. If you wish to use
these, look for the desired function name with
prefix. These functions go in pairs; the function with the Begin
prefix returns an IAsyncResult which can be used by the one with the End prefix.
Displaying Static and Live Images from a DataMan Device
To have static images displayed, use DataManSystem.GetLastReadImage () or subscribe for the event ImageArrived to
get images.
To have live images displayed, perform the following steps:
1. Set the reader to live display mode:
mySystem.SendCommand("SET LIVEIMG.MODE 2");
DataMan Application Development