Codex Onboard M Installation Manual Download Page 3




1. Downloading the software from the Codex website

Codex software is available from

To access this page of the website you must first register for an account.

It is recommended to download the latest Onboard Recorder Software.

If you use Safari, Ctrl+click on the link and select Download Linked File from the menu. Do not just click on the link as Safari will unpack the .tgz 

into a folder.

If you use Internet Explorer to download the software package, which will have a filename ending in .tgz, be aware that the file may be saved as 

a .tar file.  If this happens simply rename the file to restore the .tgz extension.  If you cannot see any file extensions, enable this setting from My 

Computer/Tools/Folder Options/View and uncheck ‘Hide extensions for known file types’.

2. Installation

1.   If updating a Codex Onboard M Recorder with separate Control Panel UI, make sure the Control Panel UI is docked on one of the sides, or 

attached via cable connection.  Please contact Codex Support for information on updating any spare controllers.


Insert the end of a paperclip or similar into the ‘safe mode’ hole next to the power switch, and push until you feel the button inside depress.  

Press the power switch to turn on whilst holding the safe mode button in.  Remove the paperclip once the Codex LED ring turns on.


After about 30 seconds the screen will say *** SAFE MODE <date> ***.  If there is no date shown, or a later version is available on the 

Codex website, then you must first update the safe mode control program.  To do this, download  the onboard-safe-<date>.tgz file from the 

website and then follow the instructions below.  Once this has been done, follow these instructions again from the top, but this time install the 

normal onboard-<version>.tgz update file.


The IP address of the Onboard in safe mode is fixed at  Directly connect a computer to the Onboard via the Ethernet port, 

and set the IP address of the computer to


Connect to the ‘update’ share on the Onboard with user ‘root’, password ‘codex’ as follows: 


On a Windows computer, using the Map Network Drive box, enter \\\update in the Folder field, and then click on ‘Connect 

using a different user name’ and enter the user ‘root’ and password ‘codex’.  


On a Mac, type Apple+K in Finder to bring up the ‘Connect To Server’ box and in ‘Server address’ enter smb://  Enter 

the username ‘root’ and password ‘codex’ when prompted.  You may be able to see a system directory within the ‘update’ share: this can 

be ignored.

6.   On Windows: check the update file has not been renamed.  Then drag the onboard-2013.r1.2108.tgz file into the ‘update’ shared directory.  

You may wish to configure Windows to show file extensions for known file types (using the Folder Options window).


On Mac: make sure your browser did not decompress the .tgz file into a folder when you downloaded it, and that the file has not been 

renamed.  If using Safari, Ctrl+click on the link and select Download Linked File from the menu.


On Mac: you can’t use the Finder application to copy the update onto the Onboard (it will say there is no space).  Instead open a Terminal 

window (found in Applications, Utilities) and use the ‘cp’ command.  Assuming that the update file is on your desktop, then the command would 

be :-

cp Desktop/onboard-2013.r1.2108.tgz /Volumes/update

Wait until the prompt is shown again (including your username) with a cursor - this indicates the copy has completed, which usually takes less 

than a minute.


Press the power switch on the Onboard.  The display should now change to say:



After a couple of minutes, during which time the display may flick off and on again, the Onboard will automatically power down when the 
