cocos-promotions gmbh | talheimer straße 32-d | 74223 flein, germany | phone 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-0 | fax 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-19
www.cocos-promotions.de | www.cocos-promotions.com | www.usb-sticks.de
Connection to a PC via optional AC-adapter:
First plug into 100 V – 240 V AC-power (see top arrow).
Then plug the USB-cable into the USB-jack on the right temple of the cocos-MP3-sunglasses (see bottom arrow).
III. Installation
System requirements:
IBM compatible PC
Pentium 166 MHZMMX or faster
Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP
USB-port (Universal Serial Bus)
Mac Os X / Mac Os 9.0
64mb RAM or more
20mb free hard-disc space or more
4x CD-ROM drive or more
Access to internet (recommended)
Please note:
The user name has to be set as administrator under Windows 2000.
USB-connection (see the picture – connection to a PC via USB-cable)
1. USB-port on your PC is used for sending files.
2. Check the USB-port on your PC referring to its hardware instruction manual.
3. USB-light and CHARGE-light are on, when the product is connected to a PC via USB-port.
4. Under Win98 SE please make sure, that the enclosed driver for the MP3-player was installed successfully before connecting
the device to a PC.