Care and maintenance
Cleaning the abutment area
When the last dressing has been removed and the abutment is exposed hygiene
continues to be very important.
Daily care
On a daily basis the area around the abutment should be cleaned to avoid debris
build up. This build up around the base of the abutment is not a scab and must
be removed. Cleaning this area is most easily done when you bath or take a
shower as plenty of warm water and soap on the area will help to soften any
crust that may have developed around the base of the abutment.
A soft brush is provided together with your sound processor for this purpose.
During the first weeks, after the dressing is removed, cleaning with the soft brush
may feel a little rough. If so, use a strip of baby wipe until your skin becomes less
sensitive and you can use the brush comfortably. The soft brush can be used with
any mild soap or shampoo and plenty of warm water.
When you brush, aim the bristles at the side of the abutment rather than at the
skin. Your focus should be to remove crust and debris around the base of the