Please visit
for more Windows Media Player infor
mation and support.
How Do I Transfer MP3/WMA Music Files to my MP3 Player?
When your MP3 Player is connected to a computer, you may transfer music files to
your MP3 player using your operating system’s basic file management commands
(i.e., copy-and-paste or drag-and-drop). Please refer to your computer’s documen
tation for more information and support.
If you have Windows Media Player installed on your computer (or another, similar
program), you may choose to use its media management functions to transfer your
COBY MP3 Players with USB-MTP support will enable the advanced media
management functions of Windows Media Player.
Please visit
for more Windows Media Player information
and support.
How Do I Play Music Purchased Online on my MP3 Player?
Music files you have downloaded from online stores (e.g., Napster,
MusicNow, URGE, Walmart.com, and Y! Music) are encrypted with WMDRM.
These files will only play on MP3 players with WMDRM support.
In addition to an MP3 player with WMDRM support:
To transfer and play
music, you will need Windows Media Player
9 or newer.
To transfer and play
music, you will need Windows XP and
Windows Media Player 10 or newer.
For more information and support, please refer to the documentation provided by
the online store or subscription service from which you purchased your music.
Common Errors Associated with DRM-Encrypted Music Files
Why is my MP3 player not recognizing the files I have transferred to it?
If your MP3 Player does not display or recognize the files you have transferred to it,
the files may not be of a type supported by the player. Make sure your music files
are in MP3 or WMA format.
aBout DIGItal MusIc FIlEs (MP3)