Maverick Boat Group
3207 Industrial 29th St. • Fort Pierce, Florida 34946
Pull Up Bow Light and Cleats
The bow light and cleats are stainless steel pull up style and can remain hidden when
not in use. This is especially helpful while fishing as it leaves nothing in the bow to
interfere with your line. The bow light lifts from the indent at its front. It will lock in
place once fully pulled up.
To raise the cleats simply grip the indents and lift until locked. To recess these items
simply push them back into the deck. As with all stainless moving parts on your Cobia, it
is recommended that you routinely apply a stainless safe corrosion inhibitor and
lubricant to keep these items working properly.
It is required by law to have the bow light on, in the up position
and unobstructed when operating in low visibility situations.
Bow Light and Cleats in the down position
Bow Light and Cleats in the up position