6.33.3 IP and port setup Send SMS via a cell phone: apa Space + IP A Space + Port
Number. If succeeded, SMS “adminip OK” returns from the device. e.g, Send SMS command “adminip123456 9000” to the tracker device, If
succeeded, “adminip OK” is returned by the device in SMS.( 123456 is default password
, is IP
9000 is port).
6.34 Less GPRS traffic
6.34.1 Tracker will change to less GPRS traffic mode after parking 5 minutes, GPRS disconnect
and connect again when alarm being triggered or vehicle starts driving.
6.34.2 Activate this function: Send "less gprs123456 on", tracker will reply "less gprs on ok".
6.34.3 Deactivate this function: Send "less gprs123456 off", tracker will reply" less gprs off ok".
Note: 123456 is the password of tracker, and replace it with the new if you have changed.
6.35 Modes Switch between “SMS” and “GPRS”
6.35.1 The default mode is “SMS”
6.35.2 Send SMS “GPRS+password” to the unit, and it will reply “GPRS ok!” It means tracker
device has switched to “GPRS” mode.
6.35.3 Send SMS “SMS+password” to the unit, it will reply “SMS ok!” and restore to “SMS”
6.36 Set up monitor center number
6.36.1 Setup: send command “cepspace+number” to tracker, it will
reply“centernum ok”. After setup monitor center number, the sms messages of auto track will be
sent to this center number, if events alarm need be sent to this number too, then this center number
must be setup as authorized number.
6.36.2 Cancel: Send “nocepassword” to tracker, it will reply “no center num ok”.