BBG1070QS-OM (V1.8)
Setup/Operating Instructions
BBG-1070-QS Function Menu List and Descriptions
Provides controls for each PiP for Safe Action and/or
Safe Title overlays and other static reticule markers to
be added to the output video image.
Reticules Controls
Note: Multiple overlay markers described below can be simultaneously enabled as desired.
• PiP Configure Select/Clone
Individually selects any of the five PiP inputs to be selected for Reticule
insertion edits (as described below). Allows cloning settings to other PiPs.
Note: For multi-unit setup using Cascade Config mode/setup, Clone
Settings from any of the units in the chain can be cloned to any
unit in the chain (i.e., all units in the chain appear in the Clone
Settings From and Clone Settings To drop-downs). See Cascade
Config Setup Controls (p. 3-41) for more information.
• Insertion Master Enable/Disable
For each PiP, provides master reticule enable/disable for any or all
reticule(s) inserted for each PiP.
• When enabled, any combination of reticules or other markers described
below can be inserted.
• When disabled, insertion of all reticules or other markers is disabled.
Table 3-1
BBG-1070-QS Function Menu List — continued
Typical Reticule/Overlay Marker Insertions
The BBG-1070-QS allows any combination of the reticule/overlay markers to be applied to the output video. Sizing and other
characteristics for each type of marker can be set as described below.
Safe Action Area (SAA) Reticule
Safe Title Area (STA) Reticule
Center Cross