QCM486 Miniature Protector Connector (MPC)
- 4 –
The detent latch on the protector unit
engages the cut-out in the protector housing
when the unit is in the partially withdrawn
detent position. To insert the unit completely
or to remove it, depress the detent latch.
The protector terminal field is a plastic
block mounted at the back of the protector
housing. The block is equipped with one
hundred 4-terminal receptacles to accept a
hundred protector units. Each 4-terminal
receptacle consists of two long pin terminals
and two short pin terminals.
The two long-pin terminals engage female
contacts on the protector side. Wire-wrap
terminals on the other side terminate the Tip
(T)- and Ring (R)- conductors of one outside plant
cable pair. The long pins are also wired to
corresponding test-terminals on the test field.
The two short-pin terminals engage
female contacts on the protector side. Wire wrap
terminals on the other side terminate the
Tip and Ring of one CO pair through internal
wiring from the corresponding pair of contacts
on the cross-connect field.
When the protector unit is withdrawn to
the detent position the short pins on the
protector unit break contact with the receptacle
pins, opening the circuit between CO and
outside-plant cable pairs. The long pins on the
protector unit maintain contact with the
receptacle pins, maintaining protection on the
outside-plant cable pair.
The QTH52A (single unit) and QTHS2B
(5 unit) removal tools are intended for use with
protector units equipped with QCF4ASSM/SSP
To remove the guard from a protector
unit, hold the tool vertically, and engage the
right jaw of the tool with the right side of the
guard flange. Offset the left jaw behind the
guard, squeeze, rotate counterclockwise, and
pull guard from protector unit.
To remove the protector unit, engage the
unit handle with the right jaw of the tool, offset
the left jaw on the unit latch, squeeze, rotate
counterclockwise and pull.
6. Mounting Bar Kit