Rotating end (Z-Axis)
Non-rotating end (Y-Axis)
Note: It may be easier to route your cables through the
track prior to attaching the track to the support brackets.
Instructions for how to operate the cable track can be
found at: www.cncrouterparts.com/pro-cable-track-
installation-instructions-p-273.html (See Part 2)
Upper Cable Track
Attach each flat end of the cable track to the
appropriate cable track support bracket using the M6
button head screws. Note that the two ends are different,
and that the cable track only bends in one direction. The
non-rotating end attaches to the Y-axis bracket, and the
other end attactches to the Z-axis bracket. The cable
track should go from the gantry, past the Z-axis, and wrap
up and back and around to the other bracket as shown
on the cover sheet.
Lower Cable Track
1)Attach the hole end of the cable track to the moving
cable track bracket using the M6 button head screws.
2) Attach the pin end of the cable track to thet fixed
cable track bracket using the M6 button head screws.
Fasteners Added:
Step 13: Cable Track
BHCP-M6-12, M6 x 12mm Button Head Cap Screw
Updated 10/26/2015
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