Backup Strategies
CMS recommends running a full system backup to a dedicated eSATA
or USB direct attached 2-drive RAID 1 (mirrored) storage device such as the
BounceBack Server appliance for backup purposes. At least 1 spare drive is
recommended to be used for off-site storage. The recommended process is to take
the hard drive from the second slot (HDD B) of the BounceBack Server appliance
off site every night. The spare hard drive that was previously off site can then be
inserted in the empty slot (HDD B).
Never remove the hard drive from slot 1 (HDD A) of the BounceBack Server
. This will help prevent accidentally overwriting the master recovery hard
drive. BounceBack Server appliance will automatically create a clone of the hard
drive in the (HDD A) slot onto the hard drive in the (HDD B) slot every time a hard
drive is inserted into the (HDD B) slot.
Best Practice
: Make sure that the USB and eSATA devices are positioned after the
internal hard drive in the boot order sequence of the BIOS.
Using this strategy will provide the end user with a redundant local storage device
that has the ability to create as many spare drives as required for off-site storage
and recovery.