automatically search for other free WIDI product and establish communication.
3.3 Routing
WIDI-XU support one data route mode: RF USB
As WIDI-XU is a device of receiving, please select “USB Audio Device” in your music
software as the MIDI device.
3.4 Radio channel setting
WIDI-XU supports 64 radio channels for MIDI data transfer. Suppose each pair of the
WIDI system use one channel, up to 32 pairs of WIDI system can work at the same time.
As WIDI-X8, the frequency of WIDI-XU can be set automatically or manually. The
manually setting is via sending system control command.
You can use software such as Cakewalk to send system control command, or use
“WIDI Control.EXE” - an easily control software from CME.
Below are system control commands:
Channel setting
F0 00 20 63 00 07 02 02 10 nn F7
Set the channel of the WIDI-XU to channel “nn”
“nn” is hex number from 01 to 40
indicates channel 1~64, see appendix.
If using “WIDI Control.EXE”, select channel, then click “Set Channel” button.
Automatically search
F0 00 20 63 00 07 02 02 10 50 F7
Automatically search free WIDI device and connect.
If using “WIDI Control.EXE”, click “Auto Search” button.
Automatically setting the radio frequency
F0 00 20 63 00 07 02 02 10 5F F7