reset counting ?
press + 3 sec.
doser alarm
000 000 000
dosers alarm
021 007 000
data reset
reset counting ?
press + 3 sec.
total coffees
16.1 Zero setting of dosers alarm
1) Turn the programming switch to
2) Use the MODE key to scroll the menu until (see chapter 15);
3) Press the key to reset to zero;
4) Press the UP ARROW key for at least 3 seconds to confirm reset to zero.
16.2 Resetting selection count to zero
1) Turn the programming switch to
2) Keep the PROG key pressed for 5 seconds;
3) Turn the programming switch to
4) Press the key to reset to zero;
5) Press the UP ARROW key for at least 3 seconds to confirm reset to zero.
The above procedure allows resetting to zero of doses while leaving the total counts of the machine
unchanged (life cycle of the machine).
1.0 atm 120°C
BOILER filling
1.1 atm 120°C
filling timeout
Boiler filled with water when using the
machine for the first time or when refilling
to reach the water level.
doser alarm
Wait for the boiler to be completely filled.
reg. softener
Time for filling the boiler with water longer
than expected.
Make sure the water mains cock is opened.
Switch the machine off and on again . If the
warning is still on after a few attempts, call Te-
chnical Assistance.
Fault of the volumetric electronic control
Stop delivery by pressing the dose key.
Call the Technical Assistance.
Lack of water softener regeneration.
Carry out the water softener regeneration. To
turn off the warning turn the programming
switch to
and press the 4 display keys
imultaneously for 5 seconds
If the machine will not work call technical assistance.
Normal activation of time limit upon first
filling of boiler with water.
Switch the machine off and back on again.