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The MR88 automatic microphone mixer incorporates advanced DSP
technology. It has been carefully designed to give outstanding performance
and flexibility while maintaining simplicity of set up and use. Eight input
channels, fully adjustable for microphone and line levels, can be set up to be
put onto either or both of the two output channels. Active input channels can
be automatically detected. Each input channel can be set to a multi-level
priority system. This allows "one at a time operation", "all channels active" or
combinations with chairman priorities. When no one is talking, a constant
ambient sound can be maintained through the system by setting the last
microphone selected to automatically stay on. Mixers may be chained
together to make a large multi-source system with priority and NOMA
information extending throughout. With two independent output channel
busses provided, the MR88 to be used as a genuine 8 X 2 mixer.
The input level control and priority system of this mixer makes it uniquely
versatile for many diverse applications. The MR88 mixer is ideal for places of
worship, courtroom proceedings, meetings, seminars and general A/V
The MR88 uses microprocessor control and provides full setup and control of
the mixer via a user-friendly LCD interface on the front panel. This allows the
mixer settings to be selected and adjusted without the need to remove the
case covers. All settings are retained, even when the mixer is disconnected
from the mains power supply. The mixer front panel can be easily 'locked'
with an adjustable four digit security code to prevent the mixer settings being
accidentally changed, or to 'tamper proof' the settings.
The MR88 also has the ability to be daisy chained with other MR88 mixers
via a link cable (available separately), to give a multi-mixer system.