Climax Portable Machine Tools Worldwide
Manufacturing, Sales & Rental Facilities
World Headquarters
Production Facilities
Rental Locations
International Distributors
European Headquarters
Baton Rouge
On-site Training
Need some refresher courses
in setting up and operating
your Climax machine tool?
Special Projects
Climax has been solving
complicated on-site machining
problems for our customers
since 1964.
With eleven worldwide rental
depot locations, you are
never far away from a Climax
portable machine tool.
Call Climax for:
Corporate headquarters
Climax portable machine tools, inc.
2712 e. second street
newberg, Oregon 97132 usa
Worldwide telephone:
n. america toll-Free:
Fax: 1.503.538.7600
email: [email protected]
european headquarters
Climax Gmbh
am langen Graben 8
52353 Düren, Germany
telephone:(+49) (0) 2421.9177.0
Fax: (+49) (0) 2421.9177.29
email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2011 Climax Portable Machine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Climax Portable Machines Tools has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document.
However, Climax makes no warranties or representations with respect to the information contained herein; and Climax shall not be
held liable for damages resulting from any errors or omissions herein, or from the use of the information contained in this document.
Climax has been teaching the fundamentals and fine points
of portable machine tool operation for practically as long as
we’ve been inventing and building the tools.
At the Global Learning Center situated in our corporate
headquarters near Portland, Oregon, we provide training
for machine tool operators on portable machine tool safety
and machine setup and operation. Trainees also receive
technical tips and tools to improve operational efficiencies,
with the vast majority of every program devoted to hands-
on activities and skill development.
The Climax instructional team includes specialists in
shipbuilding, power generation, civil engineering, bridge
re-building, and other industries.
Whether it’s a regularly scheduled course at the Global Learning Center, or custom curriculum conducted at your facility,
your machinists will benefit from courses developed by some of the most respected authorities in the business.
Call us today to register for a regularly scheduled class, or talk to us about how we can customize a training program for
your specialized application.
Training at the Global Learning Center
Climax Portable Machine Tools
Climax Portable Machine Tools
Call us. We’ll bring the solution to you.
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