15 December 2021
Instruction Sheet Template - V1.2
Updated 06/10/2021
The Jumbo LED Exit can be Wall or Ceiling Mounted.
Wall Mounting (single sided)
Remove one of the corner trim panels.
Remove the earth strap from the back plate before removing back mounting plate.
Determine power entry
Position the mounting plate in the mounting position.
Mark the 4 holes for mounting. Then install the appropriate fixings (not supplied).
Reinstall the mounting plate to the fitting. Re-attach the Earth Strap.
Install the fitting on the mounting hardware, while routing the power cable through the access hole.
Connect the 240VAC supply to the terminal board.
Ceiling Mounting (single or double sided)
Remove one of the corner trim panels.
Remove the diffuser panel.
If converting to double-sided, remove the earth strap from the back plate before removing it.
Determine power entry
Position the fitting in the mounting position.
Mark the mounting holes at the top of the fitting.
Then install using the appropriate fixings (not supplied).
Position the fitting while routing the power cable and attach to the surface as required.
Connect the 240VAC supply to the terminal board.
Maintained/Non-Maintained Operating Mode:
Press the Test Button 5 times within a 4 second period to toggle operation of the fitting between
Maintained and Non-Maintained mode
Once connected to the 240V mains supply, the unit must be allowed to charge the battery for at least 24
hours. Conduct the following tests:
For the first test, the emergency lamp must remain illuminated for at least 2 hours after
disconnection from the mains supply.
Subsequent tests require the unit to illuminate for at least 90 minutes. The results of all tests are
required to be recorded in a service logbook, which is to be kept on-site at all times. If the unit fails
to remain illuminated for the requisite time, remedial action must be taken to repair the situation
and once completed, the unit must pass a subsequent test. For more specific information, please
refer to the current edition of the AS 2293.3 Standard.
Trouble Shooting:
Below are a list of common problems and their possible causes.
The Green LED indicator is not illuminated.
Check: A.C. is connected and is turned on.
Battery is connected.
Test Switch for damage.
Lamp does not illuminate in emergency mode.
Check: A.C. is connected.
Lamp Head is correctly connected.
Battery is connected
Lamp illuminates in emergency mode, but only stays on for a short period.
Battery has been allowed to charge for at least 24 hours.
Battery for damage.
Green LED flashes once every 5 seconds-Battery in disconnected
Battery is connected.
Green LED blinks off once every 5 seconds- Charging very flat battery
Allow 20min to recover battery then recheck
Green LED flashes at 2Hz (Fast flash)- Faulty battery
Replace battery
On many building sites, power circuits may be cut off in an uncontrolled and repetitive basis during
construction. As a result, any Exit & Emergency Units, on these circuits, will have their batteries
discharged or “cycled”. The battery in this fitting has been selected to give excellent long-life
performance in a controlled AS2293 testing environment. Excessive battery cycling will reduce through-
life performance and may lead to premature battery failure. Battery warranty claims, as a result of such
abuse, are specifically EXCLUDED from Clevertronics warranty terms.
For Product Warranty information and Terms and Conditions of Sales please refer to our website