Step 16:
Loop the black straps with D-rings over the cover conduit through the slits in the cover.
Secure the D-rings to the rafters with a fender washer and a Tek screw making sure the cover
is the same distance from the ground on both sides of the shelter.
Note: Frame is shown without cover material for clarity
Step 17:
On the side of the shelter where you previously installed ratchets, lift the cover up from the
outside so you can see the conduit frame.
Step 18:
As before, the hem containing the cover conduit needs to be slit above each ratchet. If
your cover was not notched at the factory, continue with this step. Cut a 2" long slit in the hem
just above the cover conduit as shown below. Repeat this step on the other side of the hem so
you can pass a 1" wide strap over the conduit through the slits.
As before, if you already made small slits in Step 8 above, you can simply elongate
these slits centered on the rafter as required.
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