StreetSmart Aerial FDH
Installation Manual
Direct: 763.476.6866 • National: 800.422.2537 • www.SeeClearfield.com • [email protected]
Manual 021372 REV A - Feb 2020
Route the splitter legs around to the side in which
they will be connected. Utilize the velcro loops to
hold the splitter legs in place.
Bring the staging plate down and around to the
staging area. Allow the splitter legs to route un-
derneath the fiber management. Using the push/
pull plungers on the staging plate, install it into
the blank staging area down below the distribu-
tion ports. Press on the plungers once they are
through the holes on either side of the staging
area to lock it in place.
In order to properly take up splitter leg slack
inside the Aerial FDH, splitter legs will start un-
derneath the crossbars of the fiber management