Outdoor ANT Installation
Installation Procedures:
● Procedure locating Best Reception of the Outdoor ANT
a. Best Way:
The users may use a smart cell phone in the test mode and read the dBm (it will be always
negative value and closer to 0dBm is stronger) to find the best reception:
1. One person turn the Outdoor ANT (roof ANT) outside in any direction, stand behind the
outdoor ANT (avoid blocking the reception), wait 30secs (for the smart phone to update its
reception status), the person inside the house (stand in a fixed position and hold the cell
phone in the same direction during the procedure of finding the best reception). Record the
reception power level in dBm
2. The person outside must tune the outdoor ANT 15° away from the original direction per step
and await 30 secs per tuning, let the person inside the house record the dBm value.
3. Repeat step 2 per tuning direction in 15° separated from the left to the right direction and
record the dBm value of each tuning direction.
4. Find the direction of the highest dBm reading and fasten the outdoor ANT. Use a tape to seal
the coaxial cable, RF Adaptor and the outdoor ANT’s connector for waterproof. (see
Reference dBm reading versus communication quality:
-78dBm ~ -40dBm
-85dBm ~ -79dBm
-92dBm ~ -86dBm
-99dBm ~ -93dBm
-110dBm ~ -100dBm
Detailed Installation Guide
Excellent reception
Good reception
Fair reception
Usable, fluctuation, smaller indoor service area
Poor, hard to make a phone call or reception
-90dBm ~ -60dBm
-100dBm ~ -90dBm
-110dBm ~ -100dBm
-120dBm ~ -110dBm
-120dBm or less
Cell Booster Kit Package
Cell Booster Connection Set Up
Pre-Installed Procedure
A. Outdoor ANT.......................................................................................................................02
B. Coaxial Cable......................................................................................................................02
C. Indoor ANT..........................................................................................................................03
D. Power Adaptor.....................................................................................................................03
E. Minimum Separation Distance Limitation.......................................................................03
F. LED Indication.....................................................................................................................04
Detailed Installation Procedure
A. Outdoor ANT.......................................................................................................................05
B. Coaxial Cable......................................................................................................................06
C. Indoor ANT..........................................................................................................................07
D. Minimum Separation Distance Limitation.......................................................................07
E. LED Indication.....................................................................................................................08
Safeguard Features
Safety Issue Remind & Notice
Default / Authorized Accessories List
Toward the tower
The users may use 1 or 2 brackets for
fastening the mast in most installation.
Up-tilt the outdoor antenna in the valley for
best reception, and down-tilt the outdoor
antenna in higher altitude location.